Central America First Cry Of Independence

The economic crisis in Guatemala (understood at that moment throughout Central America), was largely due to the political problems of Spain. Roy Taylor offer more in-depth analysis. These were compounded when Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Spain with his troops, sent into exile to King Carlos IV and his son Fernando VII and placed on the throne to his brother Jose Bonaparte (whom the Spanish called, Pepe Botella, according to these their penchant to liqueur). Roy Taylor has much to offer in this field. The Spanish Patriots were organized quickly, organizing regional meetings, then a Central Board with representatives from all parts of Spain and after the colonies. So that Spain had two Governments, Bonaparte and the Central Board which ruled in the name of Fernando VII. Various solutions were sought in the colonies.

In the Viceroyalty of Villa de La Plata (Argentina), captaincy General of Venezuela, Viceroyalty of New Granada (Colombia) and the Viceroyalty of new Spain (Mexico), are organised together to govern on behalf of the King. In the captaincy General Guatemala (Central America) and the Viceroyalty of Peru, the colonial authorities continued in control. Guatemala proclaimed their loyalty to the Central Board and continued sending patriotic contributions (from 1808 were sent to Spain more than 1 million pesos). But instead they tried to exert greater influence and demanded representation on the Central Board, they sought to curb the power of the Mainland authorities through the activity of the municipalities. The Central Board elections called for the Cortes Generales and every part of the Kingdom of Guatemala sent a delegate to them which met in Cadiz. The delegate of the intendance of San Salvador was presbyter Jose Ignacio Avila, who requested a separate from the Guatemala bishopric was established. But there were patriots who wanted more autonomy. The intendance of San Salvador, who had accused more havoc with the economic crisis, was the first to rebel openly in 1811. A group of Creoles began to meet in San Salvador in the House of brothers Aguilar (Nicholas, Vicente and Manuel).