Inclusive Education

The present article focuses the question of the inclusion of the deaf pupil in regular education, over all of the paper of the professor and its central figure in this process for which many times if feel unprepared and alone, taking for itself responsibilities and functions that also are of the school, family, public power and of all society. The professor has if alone direction e, over all, made responsible for the failure pertaining to school, that in the truth are resulted of the lack of coherent educational and social politics public with the reality, and of responsibilities not assumed for other personages of this great process that is the inclusive education. What to make so that in fact the inclusion happens? We know that the inclusion is a procedure that does not become only for decree or modismos, must to involve a practical reorganization of cultures, politics and of our schools. Being, therefore, responsibility of all (school, state, family, society) and not only of the professor. Word-key: inclusion, deaf pupil, responsibilities.

Abstract: This article focuses on the question of inclusion of deaf students into mainstream education, particularly the rolls of teachers and to their central appears in this process you which they often feel unprepared and alone, taking on responsibilities and functions that ploughs also school, family, government and throughout society. To teacher has felt alone and above all, responsible will be school failure, which is actually result of lack of educational and social polices consistent with reality, and liabilities not assumed by to also other characters in this great process that is education. What you of you actually adding you happen? We know that inclusion is procedure that is not made only by decree or fads, must involve restructuring of cultures, you police and practices of our schools..